This is the parent data package for the data associated with the journal article "Penetration Coefficients of Commercial Nanolimes and a Liquid Mineral Precursor into Pore-Imitating Test Systems - Predictability of Infiltration Behavior", which was published in MDPI Materials in 2023 (DOI 10.3390/ma16062506). The data is structured into multiple packages: The properties of the liquids and materials used in the paper for the calculation of penetration coefficients using the Washburn equation are part of one package (“Experimental Properties of Water, Ethanol, iso-Propanol, 4 Commercial Nanolimes, and a Complex Coacervate”, DOI 10.48606/48). This includes densities, viscosities, rheometry data, surface tension measurement results, and contact angles. The recorded light microscopy infiltration time series in microfluidic devices made of PMMA (“Infiltration into PMMA – Light Microscopy Data”, DOI 10.48606/47) or PDMS (“Infiltration into PDMS – Light Microscopy Data”, DOI 10.48606/46) are provided as one separate data package for each material. The light microcopy data is provided in the original .czi format provided directly from the Zeiss light microscope in its entirety, as well as extracted csv files containing meniscus position vs. time data, plus video files for your convenience. Please see the readme file for more detailed overview information.