Atmospheric data associated with "Climate responses to the splitting of a supercontinent: Implications for the breakup of Pangea" by Tabor et al. (2019; GRL). Files contain climatologies of FLNS, FLNSC, FLNT, FLNTC, FSNS, FSNSC, FSNT, FSNTC, LHFLX, LWCF, OMEGA, PRECC, PRECL, PS, SHFLX, SWCF, TS, U, and V variables for the One Continent and Two Continents geographic configurations discussed in the manuscript.
Supplement to: Tabor, Clay R; Feng, Ran; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L (2019): Climate Responses to the Splitting of a Supercontinent: Implications for the Breakup of Pangea. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(11), 6059-6068