Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The aim of the research is to investigate the nature and causes of the substantial increase in the number of men of working age in the UK who are no longer either employed or unemployed - i.e. 'economically inactive'. These include, among others, very large numbers who are now recorded as 'permanently sick' and 'early retired'. The research will assess the extent which this withdrawal from the labour market is related to individual and family circumstances and to local economic conditions. In particular, the research will investigate the extent to which inactivity 'disguises' unemployment, especially in the most disadvantaged labour markets. The survey took place in three towns with contrasting local economic conditions (Barnsley, Chesterfield and Northampton) and four rural areas (South Shropshire, North Norfolk, North Yorkshire and West Cumbria).
Main Topics:
Subjects covered by the questionnaire include current economic status of the respondent; age; marital status; social class/occupation; qualifications; housing status; experience of and duration of previous periods of non-employment; work history; reasons for last three jobs ending; job aspirations and perceived obstacles to re-employment; health limitations in respect of ability to work; benefits status of respondent; whether in receipt of pension income. Also included is the household composition and economic status of other household members. For the rural areas surveyed, additional questions were also asked about how long the respondent had lived in the area; availability of vehicles in the household and whether these would be available if needed to travel to work; difficulties of travelling to work or college to acquire further qualifications. Standard Measures Standard Occupational Classifications (major groups); Social Class based on Occupation.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Face-to-face interview