Slavic Forest, Norwegian Wood (scripts)


Tools and scripts used to create the cross-lingual parsing models submitted to VarDial 2017 shared task (, as described in the linked paper. The trained UDPipe models themselves are published in a separate submission (

For each source (SS, e.g. sl) and target (TT, e.g. hr) language, you need to add the following into this directory:

  • treebanks (Universal Dependencies v1.4): SS-ud-train.conllu TT-ud-predPoS-dev.conllu

  • parallel data (OpenSubtitles from Opus): OpenSubtitles2016.SS-TT.SS OpenSubtitles2016.SS-TT.TT !!! If they are originally called ...TT-SS... instead of ...SS-TT..., you need to symlink them (or move, or copy) !!!

  • target tagging model TT.tagger.udpipe

All of these can be obtained from

You also need to have: - Bash - Perl 5 - Python 3 - word2vec (; we used rev 41 from 15th Sep 2014 - udpipe (; we used commit 3e65d69 from 3rd Jan 2017 - Treex (; we used commit d27ee8a from 21st Dec 2016

The most basic setup is the sl-hr one ( - normalization of deprels - 1:1 word-alignment of parallel data with Monolingual Greedy Aligner - simple word-by-word translation of source treebank - pre-training of target word embeddings - simplification of morpho feats (use only Case) - and finally, training and evaluating the parser

Both da+sv-no ( and cs-sk ( add some cross-tagging, which seems to be useful only in specific cases (see paper for details). Moreover, cs-sk also adds more morpho features, selecting those that seem to be very often shared in parallel data.

The whole pipeline takes tens of hours to run, and uses several GB of RAM, so make sure to use a powerful computer.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Rosa, Rudolf; Zeman, Daniel; Mareček, David; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk
Publisher Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL)
Publication Year 2017
Funding Reference info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/644402
Rights GNU General Public License 2 or later (GPL-2.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact lindat-help(at)
Language Czech; Slovak; Slovenian; Slovene; Croatian; Danish; Swedish; Norwegian
Resource Type toolService
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/octet-stream; downloadable_files_count: 11
Discipline Linguistics