We present stable water isotope vapor measurements from the East GReenland Ice Sheet Project (EGRIP) location in the accumulation area of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The cavity ring-down spectroscopy instrument (Picarro) cycled through 4 levels for 15min at each level. 5 minutes at the beginning of each 15min sampling interval were cut to avoid influences from valve switching and the remaining 10 minutes averaged yielding one measurement point per hour at the 1.8m level. For the period of continuous measurements (between 10.06 12:00 and 01.07. 21:00) at 1.8m, the data were averaged into 10min bins. Isotope data is calibrated against the VSMOW-SLAP scale and corrected for humidity-dependency. The resulting uncertainty on the averaged individual values are estimated to be 0.23‰ and 1.4‰ for d18O and dD, respectively as Steen-Larsen et al. (2013).
Latitude: 75.627209 * Longitude: -35.987600 * Altitude: 2654m a.s.l. Total measurement period: Before 10.06.2018 12:51 Picarro 2120 After 11.06.2018 17:45 Picarro 2140 Start= 2018-05-24 19:05:45 End= 2018-08-03 10:57:53 The timeindex indicates the middle of the averaging period.