Dataset of daily inflow to Luzzone reservoir in Ticino, Switzerland
R scripts used to generate return levels for low reservoir inflow, low precipitation, high inflow, and extreme high precipitation based on various methods from extreme value analysis
The dataset included here is the "natural" reservoir inflow for the Luzzone reservoir.
Additional analyses were conducted on daily total precipitation of 6 meteorological stations (abbreviations: TIOLI, TIOLV, COM, VRN, VLS, ZEV). These precipitation data are freely available for teaching and research from the MeteoSwiss IDAweb portal (
R scripts used to determine return levels of the data set are included for both extreme high events and low events. The scripts include the following methods for calculating return levels:
GEV (Generalized Extreme Value)
GPD and GPDd (Generalized Pareto Distribution including declustered version)
eGPD (extended Generalized Pareto Distribution)
MEV (Metastatistical Extreme Value)