Data for: Capturing local details in fluid-flow simulations: options, challenges and applications using marker-and-cell schemes


This dataset contains the data in the journal paper "Capturing local details in fluid-flow simulations: options, challenges and applications using marker-and-cell schemes" of Melanie Lipp, Martin Schneider and Rainer Helmig.


Fig. 5a plots the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithConserv.csv Fig. 5b plots the absolute values of column 6 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_StandStenc_NoInterp.csv Fig. 6a plots the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_10x10Grid.csv Fig. 6b plots the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_13x20Grid.csv Fig. 6c plots the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_20x20Grid.csv Fig. 7 plots the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_StandStenc_NoInterp.csv minus the absolute values of column 6 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_StandStenc_NoInterp.csv Fig. 8a plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_MyStenc_NoInterp.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_StandStenc_NoInterp.csv

Fig. 8b plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_MyStenc_NoInterp.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_StandStenc_NoInterp.csv multiplied by minus one

Fig. 9a plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithoutConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_MyStenc_NoInterp.csv

Fig. 9b plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithoutConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_CV_D_MyStenc_NoInterp.csv multiplied by minus one

Fig. 10a plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of `datafiles/

Fig. 10b plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_WithoutConserv.csv multiplied by minus one

Fig. 11a plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-11a caption uses datafiles/Fig11aL1norm.tex

Fig. 11b plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD.csv

the Fig.-11b caption uses datafiles/Fig11bL1norm.tex

Fig. 12a plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_0307.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_0307.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-12a caption uses datafiles/Fig12aL1norm.tex

Fig. 12b plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_0307.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_0307.csv

the Fig.-12b caption uses datafiles/Fig12bL1norm.tex

Fig. 13a plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_rightFine.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_rightFine.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-13a caption uses datafiles/Fig13aL1norm.tex

Fig. 13b plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_rightFine.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_rightFine.csv

the Fig.-13b caption uses datafiles/Fig13bL1norm.tex

Fig. 14a plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_100x100.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_100x100.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-14a caption uses datafiles/Fig14aL1norm.tex

Fig. 14b plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_100x100.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_100x100.csv

the Fig.-14b caption uses datafiles/Fig14bL1norm.tex

Fig. 15a plots the negative results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_gauss.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_gauss.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-15a caption uses datafiles/Fig15aL1norm.tex

Fig. 15b plots the positive results of the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projCoarseOnCVOptionD_WithConserv_gauss.csv minus the absolute values of column 5 of datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_MomX_projectionCoarseOnCVOptionD_gauss.csv

the Fig.-15b caption uses datafiles/Fig15bL1norm.tex

Fig. 16 plots the absolute values of the difference of column 5 of datafiles/solErr_u.csv minus column 5 of datafiles/solErr_uExact.csv

Fig. 17a plots the negative results of the absolute values of the difference of column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_U_10x10_projCVOptDOnCoarse_0406refined.csv minus column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_Uexact_10x10_projCVOptDOnCoarse_0406refined.csv minus the absolute values of the difference of column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_U_10x10_projCoarseOnCVOptD_0406unrefined.csv minus column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_Uexact_10x10_projCoarseOnCVOptD_0406unrefined.csv multiplied by minus one

the Fig.-17a caption uses datafiles/Fig17aL1norm.tex

Fig. 17b plots the positive results of the absolute values of the difference of column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_U_10x10_projCVOptDOnCoarse_0406refined.csv minus column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_Uexact_10x10_projCVOptDOnCoarse_0406refined.csv minus the absolute values of the difference of column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_U_10x10_projCoarseOnCVOptD_0406unrefined.csv minus column 5 of datafiles/solErr_donea_Uexact_10x10_projCoarseOnCVOptD_0406unrefined.csv

the Fig.-17b caption uses datafiles/Fig17bL1norm.tex

the additional note at the very end of Chaption 3.2 uses 100x100_decrease_L1norm.tex and 100x100_increase_L1norm.tex

Fig. 18 uses datafiles/pnm_unrefined_velocities_stokes.csv and datafiles/pnm_unrefined_velocities_pnm.csv for the plotted data (square roots of the sums of column 5 squared and column 6 squared) and datafiles/pnm_unrefined_pressures.csv and gridPlotfileB='datafiles/pnm_pore_grid.csv for the plotted grids

Fig. 19 uses datafiles/pnm_refined_velocities_stokes.csv and datafiles/pnm_refined_velocities_pnm.csv for the plotted data (square roots of the sums of column 5 squared and column 6 squared) and datafiles/pnm_refined_pressures.csv and gridPlotfileB='datafiles/pnm_pore_grid.csv for the plotted grids

Fig. 20 uses datafiles/localTruncErrExplanation_Conti_proj.csv

Tab. 1 uses Tab1.tex

Tab. 2 uses Tab2.tex

Tab. 3 uses Tab3.tex

DuMuX, Commit 2ec8f9159a7211085cb4331d8a679dda103f3ffb

Metadata Access
Creator Lipp, Melanie ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor LH2_RDM
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 327154368 - SFB 1313
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact LH2_RDM (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-tex; text/tab-separated-values
Size 19; 547106; 2357; 8420; 12142; 2848; 3788; 5199; 455169; 752301; 10309; 3122; 4805; 455786; 744908; 9498; 3000; 2886; 90; 93248; 474; 126934; 91813; 476; 126405; 3800; 3804; 3220; 3308; 3032; 3528; 1731; 2045; 1061
Version 1.0
Discipline Engineering Sciences; Mechanical and industrial Engineering; Mechanics; Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering; Natural Sciences; Physics