Large scaled geothermal potential assessments often require geological 3D-structural models of the area of interest. For assessing petrothermal potentials of the Hessian basement, a regional scaled geological 3D-structural model of the hessian Mid German Crystalline High (Weinert et al. 2022a) was created within the scope of the project Hessen 3D 2.0 (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy; funding number:0325944A). The spatial confinement is defined by the scope of Hessen 3D 2.0, and therefore, the lateral extension of the basement model is constrained within the (simplified) boarder of federal state of Hesse. Vertical constraints are set to 400 m b.g.l. and a maximum model depth of 6,000 m below sea level.
A qualitative petrothermal potential assessment is calculated based on a SKUA-GOCAD SGrid of the Hessian Mid-German Crystalline High (Weinert et al. 2023). In total, the SGrid contains 8 modeling units comprising (I) Frankenstein complex, (II) Flasergranitoid zone, (III) Weschnitz pluton, (IV) Tromm pluton, (V) Heidelberg granites, (VI) granites and granodiorites, (VII) diorites and gabbros and (VIII) metamorphic rocks.
Data in the repository is provided as GOCAD-SKUA stratigraphic grid in .sg-file format. The provided SGrid is parameterized and contains the following properties: (I) results of a fault zone related, qualitative potential assessment and (II) results of a fracture network related, qualitative potential assessment.