This dataset contains sediment profiling hydroacoustic data from RV MARIA S. MERIAN's Atlas PARASOUND P70 echosounder system. The data was recorded almost continuously during cruise MSM96 in the North-East Atlantic (2020-10-12 - 2020-11-09). This dataset contains the raw data files as created by the system along the cruise with Atlas PARASTORE software (.asd, .sgy, .ps3) and ancillary data. No data processing or quality control was conducted. The dataset additionally contains screenshots of selected parts of the recordings for visualization and data selection purposes. The PARASOUND data was recorded to complement the extensive multibeam data recordings of the cruise and to select sampling sites for the multicorer deployments. Data was recorded during multibeam stations and the vessel speed rarely reduced below 7 knots. Vessel speed varies throughout the dataset. This dataset does not contain any dedicated, slow-speed PARASOUND profiles. This publication is conducted within the efforts of the German Marine Research Alliance in the core area "Data management and Digitalization" (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung, DAM), MareHub (Helmholtz) & iAtlantic (EU) research projects.