A supergene affects androgen concentrations during juvenile development in the ruff, a bird with alternative reproductive morphs


Sex steroids play a key role in mediating reproductive strategies within species. Their impact is most striking, and best studied, on mature phenotypes. However, genetic variation underlying endocrine pathways may have mechanistic consequences in early life. Here we examined the effects of supergene variants underlying alternative reproductive morphs in ruffs (Calidris pugnax) on sex steroid concentrations in juveniles and compared the differences with previous results in adults.

DOI https://doi.org/10.17617/3.HFEWVB
Metadata Access https://edmond.mpg.de/api/datasets/export?exporter=dataverse_json&persistentId=doi:10.17617/3.HFEWVB
Creator Giraldo Deck, Lina Maria
Publisher Edmond
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact Lina.Giraldo(at)bi.mpg.de
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1
Discipline Other