Tables of cobble dimensions are indexed below and show the lengths (in cm) of the long (X), intermediate (Y), and short (Z) axes of between 20 and 16 cobbles per site. The ratios of the long and intermediate axes (X/Y), and the intermediate and short axes (Y/Z) were calculated for each cobble and plotted as "Flinn-Style" shape diagrams in Figure 20. These ratios represent the shapes of the cobble. An axial symmetric prolate cobble has an Y/Z ratio of 1 and an axial symmetric oblate cobble has an X/Y ratio of 1. The averages for all dimensions and ratios per site were also taken to plot on these diagrams. Cobble orientation data are recorded by trend and plunge of all the cobble axes (X, Y, and Z) and the strike and dip of the cobble's Y-Z plane. The latitude and longitude coordinates are listed at the bottom of each table. The cobble shapes and shape change table shows a decrease in cobble volume and also an increase of long axes relative to average volume (X/(cube root Vol)) and a decrease in short axes relative to cobble volume (Z/(cube root Vol)) from sites 1 to 3. The change in the oblateness of the cobbles from one site to the next is calculated by finding the change in the ratios of X/Y and Y/Z. An increase in the ratio of Y/Z and the decrease in X/Y signify an increase in the relative oblateness of a cobble. Thus by combing the components of change in X/Y and Y/Z a change in the average oblateness can be found.