Low-field magnetic susceptibility of every sample was measured with an MFK1 susceptibilimeter (AGICO; K_LF ). The obtained value was normalized by the weight of the sample to determine the specific low-field magnetic susceptibility, X_LF . Determination of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM), Saturation Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (SIRM) and Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) was performed with a superconducting rock magnetometer SRM760R (2G enterprises). The ARM is an artificial magnetization gained in an alternating magnetic field of 100 mT superimposed on a steady field of 50 µT, which is comparable to the strength of the geomagnetic field. The ARM is afterward subject to demagnetization at 30 mT (ARM_30 ). The SIRM was acquired at 3 T and the IRM at 0.3 T in the opposite direction using a pulse magnetizer MMPM9 (Magnetic Measurements ltd). The S-ratio was calculated after the formula 0.5(1-IRM/SIRM) and allows for an estimation of the relative abundance of high coercivity minerals. TheS-ratio comesclose to 1when low-coercive mineralssuch a as magnetite dominate the signal, and decreaseswith increasing amount of high-coercive mineralssuch as hematite (Bloemendal et al., 1992).The Hard Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (HIRM) was calculated after the formula (SIRM-IRM)/2 and allows for an estimation of the absolute concentration of high coercivity minerals (e.g. hematite).ARM/SIRM is used as an estimator of the relative magnetic grain size. ARM_30 /ARM is also used as a magnetic grain-size estimator since samples display a constant mineralogy.