Replication Data for: Load-Balancing for Scalable Simulations with Large Particle Numbers


This dataset contains input data, scripts, etc. for replicating the numerical experiments in Steffen Hirschmann's dissertation.

The data is prefixed with folders indicating the specific experiment as is the processing metadata.

The experiments are:

00_periodicity_experiment: Experiment in Chapter 5.1. Agglomerate moves over boundary and we inspect how well different partitioning methods perform. 01_homogeneous_scaling: Experiment in Chapter 8.1. Weak scaling of ESPResSo with and without our additions of a homogeneous fluid. 02_droplet_formation: Experiment in Chapter 8.1. Comparison of the behavior of a non-homogeneous particle distribution with and without load-balancing. 03_coupled_lbm_md: Experiment in Chapter 8.2. Weak scaling evaluation of our joint Lattice-Boltzmann (LBM) Molecular Dynamics (MD) partitioning. 04_lb_adaptions: Experiments in Chapter 8.3. Simulation of a spinodal decomposition with different load-balancing methods and different variants. 05_heterogeneity: Script for evaluating the heterogeneity measure defined in Chapter 7.1. 06_soot_particle_agglomeration: Script to simulate the soot particle agglomeration scenario. Methodology described in Chapter 4, simulation described in Chapter 8.4.

The indications to chapters reference the publication described in "Related Publication".

Metadata Access
Creator Hirschmann, Steffen ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Hirschmann, Steffen
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference DFG SFB 716 ; DFG EXC 2075 - 390740016
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Hirschmann, Steffen (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type program source code; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/x-python; application/zip; application/x-awk; text/x-patch; text/x-c++src; text/x-fixed-field; text/x-tcl; application/x-shellscript; text/tab-separated-values
Size 147652; 6803; 6925; 17922794; 26661137; 487; 17515; 4075; 3771; 3694; 13805; 10252; 1576; 1841; 2054; 1229; 1342; 1051; 522; 342; 2693; 551; 1667; 3197; 3693
Version 1.0
Discipline Other