Raziskava sodi v sklop rednih mesečnih telefonskih anket, namenjenih spremljanju zadovoljstva z delom vlade in ocenjevanja razmer v državi. Raziskava meri odnos slovenske javnosti do vključitve Slovenije v zvezo NATO, v EU ter strankarske preference. Mesečne raziskave vključujejo aktualna vprašanja o izbrisanih, o izgradnji džamije, o podpori Janeza Janše kot predsedniku vlade, o sporazumu Drnovšek-Račan, o izgradnji džamije, o volilni nameri na volitvah v evropski parlament in v državni zbor, o poznavanju in podpori Foruma 21 ter o uvedbi enotne valute, o občutku varnosti v Sloveniji ter oceno osebne sreče. Bloki aktualnih vprašanj zajemajo tudi oceno dela prejšnjega Državnega Zbora in parlamentarne opozicije ter poznavanje strukturnih skladov in s strani EU podprtih projektov, oceno dela novoizvoljenih predsednika države, predsednika Državnega Zbora in predsednika vlade, oceno informiranosti o delu vlade, mnenje o mandatarskih kompetencah ter odziv na ameriške volitve.
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards EU and NATO membership and party preferences. Monthly surveys include questions about the knowledge and support of the Forum 21 and on the introduction of a single currency, questions on the intention to vote in the forthcoming EP Elections and in the national elections, questions on the Drnovšek-Račan agreement, the opinion on so called erased and on the construction of the mosque, questions on so called erased and on the construction of the mosque, questions on supporting Janez Janša's government, questions on safety feeling in Slovenia and the assessment of personal happiness. Surveys also include the attitude towards mandatary competences and the response to American elections, the evaluation of the previous National Assembly and the previous parliamentary opposition and also the knowledge of structural funds and projects, supported by EU, the evaluation of newly elected president of the state, National Assembly president and of the PM and also the assessment of the knowledge of work of the government.
Verjetnostno: večstopenjskoProbability.Multistage
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI