We propose to perform a neutron diffraction experiment at HFM/EXED to determine the propagation vector above 22.4T and map out the phase diagram up to 26T of magnetoelectric LiCoPO4. As observed by pulsed-field magnetization measurements LiCoPO4 exhibits two step-like field-induced phase transitions at 11.8T and 22.4T for fields applied along the b-axis. The magnetic structure above the latter transition is of yet unknown. Based on our studies of other members of the lithium orthophosphates (to which LiCoPO4 belongs) the propagation vector in this phase is most likely of the type q = (0k0). The horizontal 26T magnetic field provided by the High Field Magnet offers a unique opportunity to look for these above 22.4T in LiCoPO4. For the proposed experiment we kindly ask for 7 days of beamtime.