Two Nortek Signature1000 acoustic Doppler current profilers (SN 100098 & SN 101048) were deployed as part of the Sea Ice Ridge Observatory (also called Fort Ridge) in the Arctic Ocean during the 2nd leg of the MOSAiC ice drift expedition in February 2020. The ADCPs are autonomous instruments that measured ice-relative horizontal and vertical ocean currents and turbulence in the upper ~20 m of the water column. The instruments were deployed under the ice, pointing downward on either side of a large ice ridge. In addition to currents, temperature, pressure, tilt, and compass direction were measured. Both instruments were eventually lost due to ice rafting, resulting in one time series between January 3rd and May 6th 2020 and one between January 3rd and February 21st, 2020.This dataset contains the rawdata for adcp_101408. Nortek Signature software (Nortek Discover) is needed to read and convert the data ( For more information see the Nortek Signature Principles of Operation ( A processed and temporally averaged version of this dataset together with a data report can be found under doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.941882.