Paleotemperature and productivity reconstruction of sediment core D11957P on the Iberian Margin


Foraminifera counts and climatic assemblages from the Tore Seamount are used to approach the glacial and interglacial changes in temperature and productivity on the Iberian Margin over the last 225 kyr. Chronostratigraphy is based on Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerina bulloides oxygen isotopes and supported by foraminifera and carbonate stadial fluctuations. Foraminifera indicate cooling from late interglacial stage 5 to the beginning of Termination I (TI). Neogloboquadnna pachyderma-s reflects cold conditions during glacial stages 4-2. In contrast, glacial stage 6 is dominated by warmer N. pachyderma-d and dutertrei and a restricted arctic assemblage. Past sea surface temperatures confirm the general cooling, reaching 4.3°C (SIMMAX.28) during stage 2. Multiple productivity proxies such as organic carbon, productivity-related foraminifera, and delta13C constrain the changes observed. A productivity increase occurs after interglacial stage 5, enhanced from late glacial stage 3 to TI Present-day satellite-detected phytoplankton plumes off Portugal would have accounted in the past glacial stages for the general productivity increase over the Tore. On top of this, welldefined peaks of organic carbon and productivity-related foraminifera correspond with Heinrich events 1-4.

Supplement to: Lebreiro, Susana Martin; Moreno, J C; Abrantes, Fatima F; Pflaumann, Uwe (1997): Productivity and paleoceanographic implications on the Tore Seamount (Iberian Margin) during the last 225 kyr: Foraminiferal evidence. Paleoceanography, 12(5), 718-727

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Lebreiro, Susana Martin ORCID logo; Moreno, J C ORCID logo; Abrantes, Fatima F ORCID logo; Pflaumann, Uwe
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1997
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 5 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-12.583 LON, 39.050 LAT)