Samples were grinded and sieved, and 20 aliquots of 0.2 g with a particle diameter between 100 - 200 µm were ?-irradiated with a 60Co (Cobalt) gamma source at the university hospital of Düsseldorf, with dosages of up to 17.8, or 22.3 Gy. Irradiation dose rates were between 1 - 2 Gy/min. ESR intensities were measured by using a Bruker ESP300E spectrometer. Parameters of ESR measurements were: Microwave power: 25.3 mW; Mod. Amplitude: 0.485 G; Conversion time: 20.48 ms; Time const: 163.84 ms; Sweep width: 40.00 G; Resolution: 1024 points; Number of Scans: 40. DE values were determined by using the program "fit-sim" by R. Grün (version 1993) and age calculations were carried out with the program "data 7" by R. Grün (version 1999) using an alpha-efficiency (k-factor) of 0.05 ± 0.01. A sampling depth of of 0.05 ± 0.04 m were used for calculation of cosmic dose rates. The DE values were calculated using the "D-DP procedure" after Schellmann and Radtke (1999).