Replication data of Lotsch group for: "Postsynthetic Transformation of Imine- into Nitrone-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks for Atmospheric Water Harvesting at Decreased Humidity"


Herein, we report a facile postsynthetic linkage conversion method giving synthetic access to nitrone-linked covalent organic frameworks (COFs) from imine- and amine-linked COFs. The new two-dimensional (2D) nitrone-linked covalent organic frameworks, NO-PI-3-COF and NO-TTI-COF, are obtained with high crystallinity and large surface areas. Nitrone-modified pore channels induce condensation of water vapor at 20% lower humidity compared to their amine- or imine-linked precursor COFs. Thus, the topochemical transformation to nitrone linkages constitutes an attractive approach to postsynthetically fine-tune water adsorption properties in framework materials.

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Metadata Access
Creator Grunenberg, Lars ORCID logo; Savasci, Gökcen ORCID logo; Emmerling, Sebastian ORCID logo; Heck, Fabian ORCID logo; Bette, Sebastian ORCID logo; Cima Bergesch, Afonso ORCID logo; Ochsenfeld, Christian ORCID logo; Lotsch, Bettina V. (ORCID: 0000-0002-3094-303X)
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Lotsch, Bettina V.
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 358283783 - SFB 1333 ; DFG EXC 2089 - 390776260
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Lotsch, Bettina V. (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research and LMU Munich)
Resource Type experimental data; Dataset
Format text/plain; chemical/x-cif; text/csv; application/octet-stream; text/tab-separated-values; audio/x-aiff; image/bmp
Size 4011; 3933; 15419; 98194; 11952; 11890; 15109; 12886; 8867; 8822; 9845; 9749; 9779; 1710; 1557; 1553; 53128; 2256; 8635; 2241; 8630; 2236; 8634; 2234; 1739; 6830; 2811; 2745; 10515; 10013; 12749; 31055; 23552; 50660; 1707; 1562; 39620; 2714; 10008; 2758; 10513; 12741; 13953; 19456; 39320; 52805; 31059; 395830; 1777; 6835; 2219; 2213; 2217; 2204; 1716; 31056; 55796; 29536; 2778; 2629; 21504; 44000; 52969; 2263; 2250; 8725; 8726; 1760; 2751; 10510; 12648; 13860; 44; 1002567; 52804; 2277; 2251; 1751; 2756; 1004393; 31052; 396; 2235; 2228; 2233; 2237; 1740; 52802; 31057; 2748; 52808; 31070; 407; 1005297; 12535; 10004; 2801; 2912; 10509; 13041; 10333; 2711; 2888; 10870; 996439; 31099; 20480; 41340; 53143; 31087; 53278; 31081; 31083; 14263; 10343; 2812; 2927; 10880; 6659; 1806; 13142; 2885; 978492; 12739; 10006; 2621; 2781; 10511; 1006270; 31006; 63380; 259123; 1211; 1112; 8307; 2985; 1940454; 579166; 64082; 15248; 267189; 3250; 1690; 1922814; 649854; 99948; 234133; 484020; 477649; 491878; 17141
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences