This dataset includes 2 simulations with the cloud-resolving model SAM, enabled with isotopes (System for Atmospheric Modeling). Simulations are in radiative-convective equilibrium as in Risi et al. (2020, 2021). Both simulations include large-scale ascent peaking -40hPa/d at 5km. 1) Cyclone: Domain of 1024 km x km with a horizontal resolution of 4 km and 96 vertical levels. The effect of rotation is added through a Coriolis parameter that corresponds to a latitude of 40°. 2) Squall line: Domain of 256 km x 256 km with a horizontal resolution is 2 km and 96 vertical levels. We add a horizontally uniform wind in the x direction that reaches 10 m/s at the surface and linearly decrease to 0 m/s at 1 km.These simulations are used in the article Risi et al. (2023).
Each file represent 3D outputs for the 10 last daily snapshots of the 50 days simulation.Variables and units are explained in the attributes of the netCDF files.