Early Modern Mining in Southwest China and Highland Southeast Asia [data]


Material and analyses on sites of historic silver mining and research papers of the DFG research projects Mining and metallurgy in Southwest China, 14th to 19th centuries” and “Environments, people and mining in the Far Southwest of China since 1500: Cross-disciplinary explorations” / Dokumentationen historischer Bergbaustandorte und Papers aus den DFG-Projekten "Bergbau und Metallurgie in Südwestchina, 14. bis 19 Jahrhundert: Archäo-metallurgische und historisch­ geographische Untersuchungen" und Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Bergbau im fernen Südwestens Chinas seit 1500”

DOI https://doi.org/10.11588/DATA/D7MIZE
Metadata Access https://heidata.uni-heidelberg.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.11588/DATA/D7MIZE
Creator Kim, Nanny ORCID logo
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Kim, Nanny
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft KI 621/3-1, KI 621/4-1
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Kim, Nanny
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/pdf; application/vnd.google-earth.kmz; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; image/jpeg; text/tab-separated-values
Size 201120; 144087; 5596; 2179; 182165; 137083; 150852; 49608; 2419722; 206096; 9380914; 43304; 192455; 1852; 188322; 2228; 20981; 178177; 1251; 1849; 169870; 3754166; 11027; 161934; 1361; 16081; 21561; 10679; 93272; 66330; 44483; 3657224; 2197; 3148805; 19142; 2381882; 10354; 2571837; 6207; 1728067; 1330; 7412444; 15626; 7826; 5287; 6168069; 32125; 4593505; 9373; 6788981; 8289; 5741832; 1870; 22545; 3022753; 7732; 9836785; 13172; 9639; 14198579; 3196787; 1595; 15907606; 5301; 12879316; 6645; 11232271; 8495; 117350; 8295924; 16280; 154808; 118434; 2746; 2922; 3791648; 140337; 2256942; 2624; 842704; 4419332; 2237; 49491; 14346057; 9352; 1287; 4062; 2489; 1829; 3733700; 9927; 998; 3771182; 5732; 17070186; 40179; 3663376; 4302; 6603375; 7620; 6497444; 6913; 6510; 7076896; 369140; 2625; 1435; 1007; 10272811; 70536; 1242; 904; 1161; 11829602; 17992; 8710071; 10637; 1305; 7081146; 4980; 1139; 7943940; 4402; 1202; 7938685; 14828; 872; 7292385; 79249; 9669652; 49990; 12677147; 43771; 1036; 1727; 1590; 3324734; 1516; 3443; 3281357; 8252; 1349; 1218; 2107111; 16339; 1265982; 6301; 1723193; 4830461; 2324; 19493073; 9766; 9622; 6641858; 6448; 5335254; 16964; 2075; 10951911; 11720; 13463; 4413; 6273; 22601533; 563541; 159383; 396817; 265603; 27279; 392086; 3537; 90260; 62764; 10787; 383898; 529362; 186672
Version 1.0
Discipline Geography; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; History; Humanities; Natural Sciences