Study of Family Size and Family Spacing, 1973


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The purpose of this survey was to collect data about parents' intentions about family size and family spacing, the factors that are related to these intentions and influences on their achievement or failure to achieve their intentions.

Main Topics:

Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Ease of caring for child, most helpful person, source of advice about babycare, need for advice, space between new baby and previous live born child of same marriage, baby's place of birth, total number of other pregnancies, type of other pregnancies, desire for more children, reasons for any inability to produce more children, ideal number of children (smallest and largest number of children ever wanted). Attitude to wife's future pregnancies, whether abortion considered, disagreement between husband and wife over desired number of children, preferred sex of next child, ideal space between children, shortest/longest space considered reasonable, whether respondent/spouse pregnant now, opinion on whether a population problem exists in the country. Attitude to birth control and limiting size of families, experience of various methods of birth control, current method of birth control, duration of use, opinion of reliability, preference for other methods (criteria of health and pleasantness), whether more information required about any type of contraception, likelihood of change in method, knowledge of women's monthly variations in fertility. Reasons for not using pill, reasons for non-sterilization, whether birth control discussed with medical staff, social/professional workers or relatives or friends, person respondent found most helpful. Details of discussion about prescription for and symptoms or difficulties with pill. Reasons for discontinuation. Satisfaction with timing of pregnancy, whether birth control used at time of conception (type), length of time birth control not used before conception, whether pregnancy intended, discussion of sterilization, attitude to male and female sterilization. Opinion on effect of sterilisation on man's/woman's sex life, attitude to abortion. Whether house suitable for child-rearing, reasons for inadequacy, number of moves since marriage, number of jobs since one year before marriage, intention to remain with present employer, period of unemployment since marriage. Length of husband and wife's friendship before marriage, length of marriage at birth of baby, frequency of intercourse, whether woman had period in last 7 days. Effect of an extra $5 a week on desired number of children, largest number of children respondent feels capable of bringing up reasonably. Opinion on age at which children are most expensive, expectation of change in level of family income in five years, change in level of family income over last 18 months, comparison of standard of living with other families respondent knew well, adequacy of present family income, whether savings made. Most recent visit to parents/in-laws, length of journey. Number of siblings (actual and preferred), persons seen most/felt closest to. Child care from husband and help with domestic chores. Patterns of decision making in the family for general matters and for birth control, ease of discussion about sex with marital partner. Attitude to working mothers of children under school age. Woman's intentions to start work part or full-time. Age of respondent and spouse at baby's birth, age of woman at first pregnancy. Reasons for not wanting more children and circumstances which would alter decision. Reasons for sterilisation. Views about children when first married and reasons for any change of mind. Satisfaction with birth control method currently used (criteria of health and pleasantness), reasons for change in method, preferences for source of contraception (GP or clinic). Discussion of and attitude to abortion and sterilization. Particular items respondent had saved money for before marriage, reasons for starting/not starting a family straight away. Background Variables For respondent and spouse: age, sex, place of birth, multiple births, number of children, social class (General Registrar's Office 1966 classification of occupations), method of payment. Household composition, number of persons in household, number of rooms, persons per room, amenities (whether shared), garden. Tenure (date of first mortgage where appropriate), type of housing, level of dwelling (eg ground, basement). Further education, religion, church attendance. Baby's month of birth, whether another baby born since, birth interval.

Simple random sample

random sample of parents of legitimate births in 25 selected local authority areas

Face-to-face interview

Metadata Access
Creator Cartwright, A., Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care; Moffett, J., Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1978
Funding Reference Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
Rights No information recorded; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Language English
Discipline Economics; History; Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage England and Wales