Alternate_Mag_Absolutes - A software package for Magnetic Absolute Measurements with arbitrarily distributed DI Theodolite Orientations


This data publication includes a matlab software package as described in Brunke (2017). In addition to the Matlab software, we provide three test dataset from the Niemegk magnetic observatories (NGK). We present a numerical method, allowing for the evaluation of an arbitrary number (minimum 5 as there are 5 independent parameters) of telescope orientations. The traditional measuring schema uses a fixed number of eight orientations (Jankowski et al, 1996). Our method provides D, I and Z base values and calculated uncertitudes of them. A general approach has significant advantages. Additional measurements may by seamlessly incorporate for higher accuracy. Individual erroneous readings are identified and can be discarded without invalidating the entire data set, a-priory information can be incorporated. We expect the general method to ease requirements also for automated DI-flux measurements. The method can reveal certain properties of the DI-theodolite, which are not captured by the conventional method. Based on the alternative evaluation method, a new faster and less error prone measuring schema is presented. It avoids the need to calculate the magnetic meridian prior to the inclination measurements. Measurements in the vicinity of the magnetic equator become possible with theodolites without zenith ocular.

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Metadata Access
Creator Brunke, Heinz-Peter
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Publication Year 2017
Rights Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2);
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; application/x-zip-compressed
Size 3078617 Bytes; 2 Files
Version 1.0
Discipline Geosciences