NIPO weekpeilingen 1980

Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1980 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 18 years and older.

All data from the surveys held between 1962 and 2000 are available in the DANS data collections.

Background variables: Sex / age / religion / income / vote recall latest elections / party preference / level of education / union membership / professional status / left-right rating / party alignment / province / degree of urbanization / weight factor.

Topical variables: n8002: Prime minister to be elected / If election of prime minister choice between respectively Van Agt, Terlouw, Den Uyl, Wiegel/ Van Agt, Den Uyl/ Lubbers, Den Uyl / Second cabinet Den Uyl / If ARP-CHU-KVP were still individual parties on which respondents' vote / NATO decision nuclear weapons West-Europe / Nuclear weapons in Holland: replacement, removal / Cabinet formation parties to participate. n8003: Expected income this year compared with 1979 / Satisfaction with expected income / Expected income making ends meet / Invasion of Soviet troupes in Afghanistan / Counterbalance in West-Europe against East-European countries / Dutch NATO membership / Action of the USA to free the hostages in Iran / Holland to participate in economical sanctions against Iran / USA military measures against Iran. n8004: Opinion about proclaimed interval of the wage negotiations cash limit / Cash limit during the coming months / Unions and parties should take action against the cash limit / Respondent's participating in actions against cash limit / Did cash limit change / Attitude towards Cabinet van Agt / Confidence in Cabinet van Agt / Second Cabinet Den Uyl. n8005: Proclamation cash limit from January till middle of march / Cash limit influence personally / Income compared with 1979 / Satisfaction with income / Income makes ends meet / Should cash limit be continued to a wage freeze for 1980 / Invasion of Soviet troupes in Afghanistan, world peace in danger / Should Olympic games in Moscow proceed / Should Holland participate in Olympics Moscow / Participation Holland in Moscow if USA would not participate / Should Holland participate in measures against the Soviet Union / Confidence in president Carters' foreign policy. n8007: Police carrying fire arms / Use of firearms by the police / Squatting houses / Offices / Squatters move out after a sentence / Police versus squatters / Keizersgracht squatted office buildings in Amsterdam / Actions of mayor and police in case of 'Keizersgracht'. n8008: Telebingo / Participation in Telebingo / Data of inauguration Beatrix as new queen / Confidence in Queen Juliana / Confidence in Beatrix / Confidence in Claus / Holland stay a monarchy / If Holland were a republic who would respondent vote for president / Should Olympics in Moscow proceed / Participation of Holland in Olympics Moscow, in case of non-participation USA, England a.o. / Cash limit till middle of march / Cash limit be continued to a wage freeze for 1980. n8009: Prime minister to be elected / If election of prime minister choice between Van Agt / Terlouw / Den Uyl / Wiegel / Lubbers / Aantjes ARP-CHU-KVP were still individual parties on which respondents' vote / Consolidation of CDA / Who should be first candidate of CDA-VVD-PvdA / Retrenchment policy / Business with continuing losses close or support by tax money / Supporting suffering business by tax money / Demonstration, strikes etc. at close down of business does it make sense / Necessity of announced dismissal at some Philips plants / Working hard in Holland / Earnings versus dedication in Holland / Expectation will Moscow Olympics proceed normally. n8010: List of prominent figures whose advice, decision should be followed in the following spheres in general tax levy, retrenchments, income distribution, social insurance / Cutting down in government expenditures / Announced cuts in government expenditures / Confidence in cabinet van Agt / Second cabinet Den Uyl / Resignation of minister Andriessen / Andriessen resignation versus cabinet resignation / Removal of the one cent piece / Removal of the cent life more expensive / Queen's day 31 January, 30 April or 31 August. n8011: New minister of finance / Cutting down in government's expenditures / Announced cuts in government's expenditures / Confidence in cabinet Van Agt / Necessity of the cash limit / Strikes of FNV against the cash limit / More union actions against cash limit / Resignation of cabinet also by strikes, other actions / Coup in Surinam / Development aid to Surinam / Standard of living in Holland / Development aid to be raised / If living standard would go down what about development income making ends meet. n8013: School subjects courses followed / Favourite courses / Courses one disliked.: n8014: Necessity of cash limit / Confidence in cabinet Van Agt / Income makes ends meet / Strikes of FNV against the cash limit / More union actions against cabinet Van Agt / Resignation of cabinet also by strikes, other actions / Did cash limit change respondents' attitude towards cabinet Van Agt / Did the PvdA opposition against the cash limit change respondents' attitude towards PvdA / Beatrix inauguration in the 'Nieuwe Kerk' Amsterdam the right spot / Government taking care of safety and order. n8016: Housing need personal problem / High mortgage rent personal problem / Economical situation of the country now and the next 12 months / Expectation price development / Financial situation of respondent or family compared with 12 months ago / Financial situation of respondent or family, the next 12 months / Big purchases now economical / Own income justifiable / Estimate own income development till now. n8017: Number of parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Squatting houses, offices permitted / Organizers of large scale squatting / Office owner permitted to put the squatters out / House owner permitted to put the squatters out / Having first right to a dwelling squatters or those with a declaration of urgency / Actions against squatting / Ownership of house or renting, mortgage, squatter / Expenditures for house or apartment. n8018: Number of parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Taking a day off 30 April, 1 May, 5 May / Planned activities on days off / Squatting demonstrations 30th April allowed / Action against squatters actions 30th April / News about hostages in Teheran / Holland taking measures against Iran / Holland participating in the Moscow Olympics. n8019: Number of parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Squatters' demonstration on 30th April / Events of last time influencing respondents' political choice / Holland participating in the Olympics in Moscow / Second cabinet Den Uyl / Second cabinet Van Agt / Cabinet backed up by CDA and VVD / Cabinet backed up by CDA-VVD-D66 / Cabinet backed up by PvdA-CDA-D66 / Cabinet backed up by PvdA-D66-PSP-PPR-CPN. n8020: Number of parties getting respondents' support coming elections / Parties getting respondents' support coming elections / American hostages in Iran / Holland taking measures against Iran / Holland participating in the Moscow Olympics / Confidence in president Carter, in chancellor Schmidt, in prime minister Thatcher and in president Brezhnev / Confidence in Van Agt, Wiegel, Den Uyl, Terlouw. n8021: Riots 30th April / News media on riots 30th April / Police shooting in similar events in future / VARA radio influencing 30th April events / News media and their freedom / Wiegel's performance 30th April / Den Uyl's performance 30th April / Events of last time influencing respondents' political choice / Second cabinet Den Uyl / Second cabinet Van Agt / Confidence in Van Agt, Wiegel, Den Uyl, Terlouw / Confidence in queen Beatrix. n8024: Attitude queen Beatrix, Prince Claus / Which magazines does Beatrix read regularly / Which magazines does respondent read regularly / Party affiliation queen Beatrix / Holland monarchy or republic / If presidential elections who gets respondents' vote. n8026: Retrenchment policy of government / Cutting down in welfare facilities / Satisfaction with income / Income making ends meet / Possibility of somewhat less income / Modal income in Holland / Respondent's income compared with modal income / People with high incomes should earn less / New election program of PvdA / Second cabinet Den Uyl / Significance of Moscow Olympics 80. n8027: Expenditures / Tax evasion / Legal tax escapes / Filling in one's tax return / Ceiling Income tax higher incomes. n8028: Dutch government and parliament interference in foreign affairs Surinam, Apartheid, Russian dissidents, South and Middle America, Walloons and the Flemish, Afghanistan, prisoners in Indonesia / Holland and boycott against Soviet Union, South-Africa, Iran / Real allies of The Netherlands / Real enemies of The Netherlands / Expectation of the third world war. n8029: Confidence in Van Agt, Lubbers, De Boer, Scholten / If ARP, KVP, CHU were still individual parties on which would respondent vote / Consolidation of CDA / Hypothetical party formation by CDA dissidents respondents' vote / Vacation pay expenditures / Plans to halve vacation pay in 1981 / Hypothetical referendum nuclear plants / Profession of respondent or respondents' husband / Which economical sector / Cheap energy as condition of production / Manual labour as alternative. n8030: Party vote if PvdA chooses d66 as coalition partner / Party vote if d66 keeps coalition choices open / Party vote if PvdA chooses PPR, PSP, D66, CPN as coalition partners / Party vote if CDA chooses PvdA as favourite coalition partner / Party vote if VVD chooses CDA and D66 as coalition partners / Party vote if D66 declares PvdA participation in new cabinet a condition / Party vote if VVD declares a national cabinet VVD-D66-PvdA-CDA a priority / National cabinet / Satisfaction with income / Income making ends meet / Possibility of somewhat less income / Hypothetical government measure overall reduction of incomes by a fixed percentage. n8031: Expectation budget 1981 / Government retrenchment policy / Problem solving ability cabinet Van Agt versus new cabinet Den Uyl / National cabinet CDA, VVD, D66, PvdA better / Satisfaction with income / Income making ends meet / Possibility of somewhat less income / Somewhat less income respondent if absolute economic necessity / Hypothetical government measure overall reduction of incomes by a fixed percentage / Soviet union a danger to West-Europe / Holland. n8034: Unions proposal accepting a minor wage cut / Accepting a wage-cut / The position of Dutch trade and industry / Wages and salaries unemployment / Continuous modernizing as condition Dutch economical situation / Squatting action by government in case of resistance / Squatting problem and local Amsterdam government. n8035: Election program of CDA party vote to CDA / Cuts in wages and salaries a program item of CDA / Smaller less income respondent if economic necessity. n8036: Vacation of squatted houses in Amsterdam in the media / Squatting action of government in case of resistance / Squatting police action in Amsterdam / Squatting problem and Amsterdam local government / Respondent on side of squatters / Events of last time influencing respondents' political choice / Coalition PvdA - CDA - D66 after coming elections / Party vote if PvdA chooses CDA and D66 as coalition partners / Terlouw formation of cabinet only as Cabinet Den Uyl / Party vote if D66 states participation PvdA in new cabinet as condition. n8039: Budget and budget-speech in the media / Confidence in cabinet changed by budget and budget-speech / Government plans and respondents' own position / Government plans and respondents' political choice / Who prime-minister after elections May 1981 / Principal right to own house for people over 18. n8040: Plans of occupation Doodewaard nuclear plant 18 October / Nuclear plants Doodewaard and Borssele and their safety devices. n8041: Hypothetical referendum nuclear plants / Cheap energy as condition of production / Manual labour as alternative / Knowledge of names presidential candidates USA / Carter versus Reagan versus Anderson / 'Nationale strippenkaart' / Use of transport bus - tram - metro. n8042: Voting intention coming elections / Party vote coming elections / Retrenchment policy of government / Contract negotiations labour management 1981 / Contract negotiations and governmental interference / Cash limit for 1981 / Reduction respondents' purchasing power percentage / Freedom of action, demonstration, etc. / Nuclear weapons in West-Europe, Holland / Did respondent tan this summer / Clothing during sunbathing, use of tanning lotions etc. n8044: Voting intention coming elections / Party vote coming elections first and second choice / Respondent's vote and future situation in Holland / Making ends meet in several family situations income / Minimum wage / Annual holiday supplement / Reduction of annual holiday supplement versus reduction in salary / Relative importance family situation versus society in general / Relative importance insisting on rights versus doing one's duties. n8045: Demonstrations Doodewaard nuclear plant sympathy / Secret transmitter in Doodewaard and in 'De Grote Keyzer' / Permissiveness towards squatters etc. versus people as respondent / Restoring order in Holland / Parties and restoring order in Holland / Cheap energy as condition of production / Nuclear energy in West-Europe, Holland, needed over 10-20 years. n8046: Duty to support one's children age limit son and daughter / Age of majority / Law changing age of majority 21 to 18 years / Legal duty to support children 18-19-20 years of age / Respondent financially independent / Age of becoming financially independent / Cash limit next year / National government interfering in squatting problems Wiegel versus mayor Polak. n8047: Respondent or wage earner employed by / Respondent or wage earner state or private employer, other / Estimate of output respondents' or wage earners' employer / Expectation of output, work of respondents' or wage earners' employer coming year / Respondent's or wage earners' employer needing more or less people coming year / Confidence in management respondents' or wage earners' employer / Confidence in future respondents' or wage earners' employer / Expectation government's support respondents' or wage earners' employer / People in Holland work harder / Wages and salaries raised or cut. n8048: Cash limit next year / Respondent's income coming year / Christmas and New Year respondent taking days off or getting holidays / Xmas tree, taking holidays at Christmas, New Year abroad / Most competent politician in Holland / Most important politician coming year / Prime-minister after coming elections. n8050: Nuclear weapons in West-Europe, Holland / Removal nuclear weapons from Holland will West Germany, France, England follow / Military counterbalance against Soviet Union and East European countries in West-Europe / Holland member of NATO / Removal of nuclear weapons from Holland / Reaction of Soviet Union / Government decision after coming election replacement of nuclear weapons / Cash limit for 1981 / Relative importance insisting on rights versus doing one's duties / Relative importance family situation versus society in general / Priority social services versus interests trade and industry and employment / Respondents' or respondents' family income depends upon social services. n8051: Making ends meet / Changes in D66-vote if D66 would declare for cooperation with PvdA / Opposition leader together with current prime minister in future government. n8052: Respondent or wage earner employed by / Respondent or wage earner state or private employer or other / Estimate of output respondents' or wage earners' employer / Expectation of output, work of respondents' or wage earners' employer coming year / Respondent's or wage earners' employer needing more or less people coming year / Confidence in management respondents' or wage earners' employer / Confidence in future respondents' or wage earners' employer / Expectation government's support respondents' or wage earners' employer / People in Holland work harder / Wages and salaries be raised or be cut.

Metadata Access
Creator Netherlands Institute for Public Opinion and Marketing Research - NIPO
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format SPSS; PDF
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nederland; Netherlands