The Petermann P1 3D horizon is located at the onset of the Petermann Glacier and covers an area of approximately 156 x 95 km. Horizon P1 is ∼ 12.0 ± 0.9 ka old and represents approximately the transition from the last glacial period to the Holocene period. It is located on average 1 km below the ice surface. The horizon is mainly characterized by open cylindrical folds with the fold axis oriented parallel to ice flow. The amplitudes of the folds reach up to 1 km with a wavelength of 10-15 km and are highest in the centre of the data set.
The 3D horizon and traced radar lines are provided in four different data formats:1. ASCII format of the point cloud of the 3D horizons (meshes.dat) or traced radar lines (line.dat) in the xyz format, where x and y represent the coordinates and z the elevation in meters.2. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in the GeoTIFF (.tif) and NetCDF (.nc) format of the 3D horizons (meshes). The DEMs have a cell size of 50 m.3. GoCAD (Geological Objects: The 3D horizons (meshes) are stored in triangulated surfaces (.ts) and the traced radar lines as polylines (.pl).