This dataset comprises the PCEEJ equatorial electrojet model current intensity values (mA/m). The PCEEJ is an empirical model based on the principal component analysis of satellite and ground equatorial electrojet data, described in detail in Soares et al. (2022), to which this data publication is supplement to. The model data is provided as text files (.csv extension) and Matlab-formatted files (.mat extension). For text files, there is one file per year (file name labeled with the corresponding year). For the Matlab format, there is only one Matlab file that contains all years as separate variables (variable name labeled with the corresponding year). Each yearly file/variable corresponds to a matrix: the rows represent local time/longitude bins and the columns represent days of year.
The local time/longitude bins (rows) always sum up to 432 (12 local time intervals and 36 longitude intervals). The day of year (columns) always starts in January 1st and ends in December 31st, leading to a total of 365 or 366. The PCEEJ model values of 13 years from 2003 to 2010 and from 2014 to 2018 are provided. The PCEEJ basis functions (principal components) are provided in the text and Matlab files labeled as ‘PC_Functions’. The ‘PC_Functions’ data is given as a 432x10 matrix, in which 432 stands for the aforementioned local time/longitude bins and 10 represents the 10 principal components used to obtain the PCEEJ model (in ascending order). Two additional auxiliary indices, namely ‘lt_index’ and ‘lon_index’ are also contained as text and Matlab files. These indices represent the corresponding local time and longitude values of each row of the PCEEJ yearly files and ‘PC_Functions’ files.