Sediment echosounder profiles were collected during the EUROLEON cruise in 2007 with the Spanish research vessel BIO Hespérides using a SIMRAD TOPAS PS018 system. Real-time processing of the data consists of basic filters and gain control. Data were recorded both in the native system and in SEGY format. The data is projected to UTM WGS 1984 31N.
Shot-point starts in byte: 13, X-coordinate starts in byte: 73, Y-coordinate starts in byte: 77, time-delay starts in byte: 109 Data provided as .seg files.Location of data is provided in the .csv files.Additional information and location in .seg.txt files.Research was further funded by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, España in the project:PROMETEO (Estudio integrado de cañones y taludes profundos del Mediterráneo Occidental: Un hábitat esencial – GEO) (CTM2006-13798-C02-01)