Ognuno è perfetto - Chapter 5


Abstract Just as they think they are about to find Tina, Ivan and Rick realize that Katarina’s past is more complex than they thought, and they still have a long way ahead. On the road to Pristina, they need to face a series of misadventures that, with a good amount of bravery and luck, lead them to the right path.

Details Ivan and Rick reach Albania in their camper. They start asking some local women if they know Tina and her mother. They find out that there is no official trace of them because they had emigrated illegally. In fact, by paying off the town mayor, they get to know that Katarina and Tina are not even their real names, and they are not Albanians. In reality, Katharina bought from a criminal group the identities of a mother and her daughter, who had died in an accident and whose husband lived in Italy, so they could escape from the Kosovo war and take her daughter to a safer country. They also find out that Katarina and Tina are hiding in Kosovo, but since they do not have valid passports, they cannot legally enter the country. Rick convinces his father to do it anyway, so they start walking towards the Kosovar border. They manage to enter the country on foot, and even though the way there is long and Ivan slips and hurts his leg, they reach the first Kosovar village. When they get there, they get robbed of all their personal belongings and are left alone without money in the Kosovar countryside. Luckily, after an entire day of walking and sleeping in a barn, they meet an older woman who recognizes Rick from a photo that Tina had left on a small altar at the side of the road. She tells them they can find Katarina in Pristina, 80 km away, so her husband offers to accompany them with a tractor. As soon as they get there, they are held at the police station since they are missing their documents. Moreover, Ricked had picked up some Marijuana seeds from a plantation they walked through and had them in his pockets. In the meantime, with Miriam and the packaging team gone, some new troubles are rising at the Abrate Factory. Miriam’s uncle is, in fact, still secretly trying to pull off the deal with the French buyers. Her brother, Gustavo, tries to make time until they get home, but unfortunately, the flight is delayed. Right before boarding, Miriam receives a desperate call from Ivan, who, on the verge of panic, begs her to help them get out of trouble. So, she decides not to fly back to Italy but instead to call friends at the Italian embassy and head towards Pristina with the whole team. Miriam manages to get Ivan and Rick released, so with the help of the Kosovar ambassador, they look for Tina and Katarina. They finally find them, and as soon as Rick and Tina see each other again, he proposes to her, and she happily accepts. While watching his son being so happy, Ivan finally finds the courage to kiss Miriam, and this time, she does not initially reject him. The following day, after waking up together, she tells him again that she cannot love anyone anymore. Moreover, she receives a call from Gustavo bearing the bad news that the rest of the family voted to partner with the French firm and give up the packaging team.

DOI https://doi.org/10.20375/0000-0011-497B-2
Metadata Access https://repository.de.dariah.eu/1.0/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=hdl:21.11113/0000-0011-497B-2
Creator Giacomo Campiotti
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)dariah.eu
Publication Year 2023
Rights Viola Film; Rai Fiction; CPTV RAI di Torino; Film Commission Torino Piemonte; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language Italian
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:38:54.911+01:00
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences