CANDELS visual classifications for GOODS-S


We have undertaken an ambitious program to visually classify all galaxies in the five CANDELS fields down to H<24.5 involving the dedicated efforts of over 65 individual classifiers. Once completed, we expect to have detailed morphological classifications for over 50000 galaxies spanning 050%) and irregulars the lowest (<10%). A comparison of our classifications with the Sersic index and rest-frame colors shows a clear separation between disk and spheroid populations. Finally, we explore morphological k-corrections between the V-band and H-band observations and find that a small fraction (84 galaxies in total) are classified as being very different between these two bands. These galaxies typically have very clumpy and extended morphology or are very faint in the V-band.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/221/11/table2 (*CANDELS: GOODS-S raw visual classification catalog)

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/221/11/table3 (*CANDELS: GOODS-S fractional visual classification catalog)

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Metadata Access
Creator Kartaltepe J.S.; Mozena M.; Kocevski D.; McIntosh D.H.; Lotz J.; Bell E.F.,Faber S.; Ferguson H.; Koo D.; Bassett R.; Bernyk M.; Blancato K.,Bournaud F.; Cassata P.; Castellano M.; Cheung E.; Conselice C.J.,Croton D.; Dahlen T.; de Mello D.F.; DeGroot L.; Donley J.; Guedes J.,Grogin N.; Hathi N.; Hilton M.; Hollon B.; Koekemoer A.; Liu N.,Lucas R.A.; Martig M.; McGrath E.; McPartland C.; Mobasher B.; Morlock A.,O'Leary E.; Peth M.; Pforr J.; Pillepich A.; Rosario D.; Soto E.,Straughn A.; Telford O.; Sunnquist B.; Trump J.; Weiner B.; Wuyts S.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2016
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics