Papers of Ernst Leumann (270): Devˆndraka Narakˆndraka


Devˆndraka NarakˆndrakaTr. of the first 17 vss. based on the ms P 1784 (containing the text with Municandra's comm.). The work, which is extracted from the Vimānaprajñapti and the Narakavibhakti (according to the commentator) is devoted to the description of hells and heavensKatalognummer: 270Medium/Umfang: pp. 1-2Lokale Notation: Schu: 1.B.5.Handschriftennummern:P 1784Projektmetadaten:20 : Devˆndraka Narakˆndraka 27 : Narakˆndraka 30b: Schu: 1.B.5. 77 : pp. 1-2 90 : 270 93 : Tr. of the first 17 vss. based on the ms P 1784 (containing the text with Municandra's comm.). The work, which is extracted from the Vimānaprajñapti and the Narakavibhakti (according to the commentator) is devoted to the description of hells and heavens 95 : P 1784

Reference: Plutat, Birte: Catalogue of the papers of Ernst Leumann in the Institute for the Culture and History of India and Tibet, University of Hamburg. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1998. Copybook 270, p. resp fol. [No of page of leaf] The remains belong to "Universität Hamburg - Asien-Afrika-Institut - Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets".

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Metadata Access
Creator Leumann, Ernst
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Contributor Leumann, Ernst; Asien-Afrika-Institut - Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets; Plutat, Birte
Publication Year 2024
Rights Restricted Access; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other