The ISOGAL Point Source Catalogue - IGPSC

The ISOGAL survey is one of the largest imaging programme performed by the ISO satellite. About 16deg^2^ mainly distributed in the inner Galactic disk were mapped at 7 and/or 15 micron ({mu}m). Because of highly structured background and high source density, a special point source extraction algorithm was used and resulted in a 100000 point source catalogue. The mid-infrared data have been associated with near-infrared DENIS sources, providing an up to five wavelength photometric catalogue with a typical astrometric accuracy better than 1 arcsecond. The point source catalogue contains the positional and photometric parameters of all ISOGAL sources, together with various quality flags aimed at giving an estimate of the reliability of the detections and of the associations between the different bands (see the paper for a complete description).

Cone search capability for table II/243/isoobs (Parameters of ISOGAL observations)

Cone search capability for table II/243/denis (Parameters of DENIS observations)

Cone search capability for table II/243/psc1 (Point sources inside the defined fields)

Cone search capability for table II/243/psc2 (Point sources outside the limits of the fields)

Cone search capability for table II/243/fields (Definitions of ISOGAL fields)

Cone search capability for table II/243/ghosts1 (Spurious sources extracted only with the 'inversion' process)

Cone search capability for table II/243/ghosts2 (Spurious sources with bad reliability indicators)

Cone search capability for table II/243/ghosts3 (Probable remnants of strong sources)

Associated data

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Metadata Access
Creator Omont A.; Gilmore G.F.; Alard C.; Aracil B.; August T.; Baliyan K.,Beaulieu S.; Begon S.; Bertou X.; Blommaert J.A.D.L.; Borsenberger J.,Burgdorf M.; Caillaud B.; Cesarsky C.; Chitre A.; Copet E.; de Batz B.,Egan M.P.; Egret D.; Epchtein N.; Felli M.; Fouque P.; Ganesh S. ,Genzel R.; Glass I.S.; Gredel R.; Groenewegen M.A.T.; Guglielmo F.,Habing H.J.; Hennebelle P.; Jiang B.; Joshi U.C.; Kimeswenger S.,Messineo M.; Miville-Deschenes M.A.; Moneti A.; Morris M.; Ojha D.K.,Ortiz R.; Ott S.; Parthasarathy M.; Perault M.; Price S.D.; Robin A.C.,Schultheis M.; Schuller F.; Simon G.; Soive A.; Testi L.; Teyssier D.,Tiphene D.; Unavane M.; van Loon J.T.; Wyse R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2003
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics