This data set include the simulated and corresponding reference data in binary format used for the training of the AWI-ICENet1 retracker algorithm, which is a convolutional neural network (CNN). The simulation is carried out at 1000 randomly selected locations spread over the Antarctic ice sheet. At each location a reference waveform is simulated based on the local topography. This waveform is modulated using 95 different attenuation rates ranging from 1 to 20 dB (step width 0.2 dB). Finally 45 noisy waveforms are generated from each modulated waveform. Therefore, at each location 95*40=3800 waveforms are generated. The simulated data consist of a total of 3.8 Mio waveforms. The AWI-ICENet1 retracker is applied to the full CryoSat-2 time series. Monthly elevation change is estimated for Greenland and Antarctica and compared to estimates derived from ICESat-2. Here, we provide raster data sets of the elevation change, rates of elevation change and additional parameters such as correlation with backscatter and leading edge width as netcdf files. The CryoSat-2 elevation change products of AWI-ICENet1 are estimated for the time periods: 2011-2022, 2019-2022 for Greenland and Antarctica and 2011-2014 for Greenland only and are provided as monthly gridded georeferenced netcdf files. As input to the AWI processing we used the reprocessed Baseline_E Level_1B waveform product provided by ESA. Additional we provide the ICESat-2 elevation change products for 2019-2022 for Greenland and Antarctica as monthly gridded georeferenced netcdf files which are based on the same processing strategy. As input to our processing we used the ATL06.006 ICESat-2 data product provided by NASA.
We provide for each of the 1000 locations 3 different binary files.The first file named as e.g. ATT_ARR_000958.bin contains the 95 attenuation settings. This is a double precision file of size 760 Byte.The second file named as e.g REF_ARR_000958.bin contains the 95 reference retracking positions. This is a double precision file of size 760 Byte.The third file named as e.g. SIM_WF_NOISE_000958.bin contains the 3800 waveforms. A single waveform consist of 128 samples. This is a floating-point precision file of size 1945600 Byte. In addition a file named RANDOM_POINT_LIST_4326.dat is provided which contains the 1000 geographic locations (Id/Longitude/Latitude). This is a double-precision binary file of size 24000 Byte.The netcdf files are self explaining and include monthly raster data sets of various variables.The projection is EPSG:3031 for Antarctica and EPSG:3413 for Greenland. Pixel resolution is 5km.