Ovre Heimdalsvatn - Norway

Øvre Heimdalen is located by Valdresflya in the eastern part of Jotunheimen on the border between the municipalities of Øystre Slidre and Vågå. The valley floor, which is oriented east-west, is at an altitude of 1,100 metres. The surrounding mountains reach over 1,800 m above sea level. Birch forest grows on the south-facing valley side, but the rest of the area is above the tree line.

Research activity in Øvre Heimdalen began in 1957 with documentation of the trout population in Øvre Heimdalsvatn, and how the biomass, growth rate and age composition of the population were affected by environmental conditions.

Source https://deims.org/64118a34-a569-4b5b-9b3d-4b8880bc10f8
Related Identifier https://deims.org/api/sites/64118a34-a569-4b5b-9b3d-4b8880bc10f8
Related Identifier https://deims.org/geoserver/deims/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=deims:deims_all_sites&styles=&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&width=768&height=363&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers
Metadata Access https://deims.org/pycsw/catalogue/csw?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetRecordById&Id=64118a34-a569-4b5b-9b3d-4b8880bc10f8&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd
Creator Arild Johnsen
Publisher DEIMS-SDR
Contributor DEIMS-SDR Site and Dataset registry deims.org
Publication Year 2014
Rights No conditions apply to access and use; no limitations to public access
OpenAccess true
Version 3.2.1
Discipline Environmental Monitoring
Spatial Coverage (8.860W, 61.420S, 8.860E, 61.420N)