Determination of absolute coccolith abundances in deep-sea sediments by spiking with microbeads and spraying - SMS-method (Table 1)


A quick new method is described for the quantification of absolute nannofossil proportions in deep-sea sediments. This method (SMS) is the combination of Spiking a sample with Microbeads and Spraying it on a cover slide. It is suitable for scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses and for light microscope (LM) analyses. Repeated preparation and counting of the same sample (30 times) revealed a standard deviation of 10.5%. The application of tracer microbeads with different diameters and densities revealed no statistically significant differences between counts. The SMS-method yielded coccolith numbers that are statistically not significantly different from values obtained from the filtration-method. However, coccolith counts obtained by the random settling method are three times higher than the values obtained by the SMS- and the filtration-method.

Supplement to: Bollmann, Jörg; Brabec, Bernhard; Cortés, Mara Y; Geisen, Markus (1999): Determination of absolute coccolith abundances in deep-sea sediments by spiking with microbeads and spraying (SMS-method). Marine Micropaleontology, 38(1), 29-38

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Bollmann, Jörg; Brabec, Bernhard; Cortés, Mara Y; Geisen, Markus
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1999
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 510 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-32.957W, 21.329S, -18.252E, 41.001N); North Atlantic/FLANK; Atlantic