The dataset consists of raw data and Lagrangian basal melt rates of 44 repeated phase-sensitive radar (pRES) point measurements, first recorded in December 2015/January 2016 and repeated in December 2016 at the Filchner Ice Shelf, Antarctica. These measurements were allocated in 13 cross-sections with up to five measurements at different locations along the sections across the channel: outside west (OW) of the channel (OW), at the steepest western (SW) flank, at the lowest (L) surface elevation, at the steepest eastern (SE) flank and outside east (OE) of the channel.These Lagrangian measurements allow the estimation of basal melt rates based on estimated vertical displacements of englacial and basal reflections. At 7 sites, more than one strong basal reflection occurred. Therefore, we averaged the melt rates we derived from the first and from the strongest basal return. Beside raw-data, the dataset includes coordinates of the first and repeated measurements, as well es ice thicknesses and derived change in ice thickness, dynamic ice thickness change, basal melt and basal melt rate.
Further details:The pRES is frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar that transmits a tone sweep – called chirp – ranging from 200 to 400 MHz over a period of one second. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, 100 chirps are transmitted within a single measurement. Background information of the pRES-system is published by Brennan et al. (2014) and Nicholls et al. (2015). The processing of the data is described in Stewart (2017) and Stewart et al. (2019).(Brennan et al. (2014): 10.1049/iet-rsn.2013.0053; Nicholls et al. (2015): doi:10.3189/2015JoG15J073; Stewart (2018): doi:10.17863/CAM.21483; Stewart et al. (2019): doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0356-0)Data were measured in the field by Angelika Humbert and Daniel Steinhage. Data processing was done by Ole Zeising, data analysis by Ole Zeising and Angelika Humbert.This dataset has been planned by Angelika Humbert as part of the Filchner Ice Shelf Project (FISP).If you have questions, please contact Ole Zeising (, Angelika Humbert ( or co-authors.