Molecular machines in energy transduction, cellular signaling and defense processes


Since this BAG is composed of 7 different working groups from 3 different locations (universities of Cologne, Bochum and Düsseldorf), the projects within this proposal are of rather heterogeneous nature. Nonetheless, we are focusing on five main topics: 1.) proteins involved in transport processes, transporters or channels, either embedded in the membrane or acting in the cytosol (e. g. ABC transporters, resistance proteins) 2.) proteins involved in the immune system or resistance processes of prokaryotic bacteria and plants (dehydratases, cyclases, binding proteins) 3.) proteins involved or associated with diseases like cancer or developmental disorders (e. g. metallopeptidase, protein kinase, chaperones) 4.) enzymes of putative industrial use in order to encounter increasing environmental pollution (e. g. transaminases, estereases) 5.) proteins involved in synthesis of light harvesting pigments and chromophore binding proteins (e. g. reductases, photosensor domains)

Metadata Access
Creator Astrid PORT ORCID logo; Sakshi KHOSA; Jens REINERS ORCID logo; Petra PERNOT
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2025
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields