In order to improve the forecasting of the coastal ocean circulation system for Madeira Archipelago considering small island scale regional phenomena, a number of simulations were carried out in 2021 on the Cirrus platform [FCT, I.P. Advanced Computing Project (CPCA/A2/6193/2020)] using the COAWST (Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) modeling system. COAWST numerical framework has three main models: the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) for atmosphere; the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for ocean circulation; and the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) for waves. A one year simulation was performed with the coupled and uncoupled models to obtain the variables, such as rain (RAINC, RAINNC), temperature (T2, TSK) and wind (U10, V10). A three month simulation was also performed with ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) data for atmospheric forcing. For the 2010 storm event, COAWST was implemented with rivers run-off and several simulations were performed with different values of flow, temperature and salinity for the rivers to obtain the wave direction (Dwave), wave height (Hwave) and surface temperature (temp) variables. Some experiments were also carried out with 'absurd values' of temperature and salinity in the rivers, in order to evaluate the model response.
File descriptions: The variables: RAINC, RAINNC, T2, TSK, U10, V10;Point position 32.723ºN, -16.916ºW;From 2019-10-01_00 to 2020-09-30_23;- File: File: unc_wrf_ponto.ncFrom 2021-03-10_00 to 2021-06-30_23;- File ecmwf_coupled_wrf_ponto.ncThe variables: Dwave, Hwave, temp;Point position 32.620ºN, -17.037ºW;From 2010-01-15_00 to 2010-02-28_23;- File: File: File: storm_rivers_waves_TempVar_ponto.ncRivers runoff absurd flux; The variables: temp, salt;min lon: -17.963ºW;mas lon: -15.898ºW;min lat: 32.009ºN;max lat: 33.605ºN;File: river_runoff_temp_salt_test1.ncFile: river_runoff_temp_salt_test2.ncData in netcdf4 format.