Brain transcriptomic dataset during parturition in ovoviviparous Sebastes schlegelii

Next generation RNA-seq technology was performance on ovoviviparous black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) during parturition. 9 female black rockfish each from 3 different parturition stage (24h before parturition, during parturition and 24h after parturition) were employed and brain tissues were sampled for RNA isolation. 3 RNA sampled from one stage were pooled together to reduce variety of individuals. Result showed over 500 million raw reads were obtained from 9 brain RNA sample pools (B_I_1, B_I_2, B_I_3, B_II_1, B_II_2, B_II_3, B_III_1, B_III_2, and B_III_3). After data assemble and quantification analysis, 28,594 transcripts were normalized as FPKM. Then, transcripts screen was achieved by edgeR package with pvalue<0.05. Totally, 1,835 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were filtrated, including 733 DEGs were obtained in B_II vs B_I group, 826 DEGs were obtained in B_III vs B_I group and 797 DEGs were obtained in B_II vs B_III group. Further annotation analysis of these DEGs showed 7 and 8 significant KEGG pathways were enriched in B_II vs B_I group and B_II vs B_III group, respectively.

Metadata Access
Instrument HiSeq X Ten; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Contributor Ocean Universities of China
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)
Discipline Marine Science
Temporal Point 2021-12-14T00:00:00Z