Thesaurus of Modern Slovene 2.0


Thesaurus of Modern Slovene is the largest automatically generated open-access collection of Slovene synonyms. It is sourced from the data in two principal language resources: The Oxford®-DZS Comprehensive English-Slovenian Dictionary and the Gigafida 1.0 corpus of written Slovene. The links identified between synonyms were additionally confirmed using the Dictionary of Standard Slovenian Language (SSKJ). The data extraction and structure for the Thesaurus were based on the frequency and manner in which words co-occur in translation strings of the Oxford-DZS Dictionary. This information is the basis for discriminating between ‘core’ and ‘near’ synonyms, with ‘core’ synonyms exhibiting a greater connection to the keyword. In the following step, an approach combining balanced co-occurrence graphs and the Personal PageRank algorithm automatically divides the synonyms into subgroups and ranks them according to the degree of semantic relatedness to the keyword, as well as their frequency in language use. For the creation methodology, see Krek et al. (2017) in the provided references.

The database includes dictionary entries: single- and multiword headwords, their part-of-speech and other linguistic features, as well as automatically extracted synonyms, their type (core or near) and relevancy rank. In version 2.0, 4,544 manually revised antonyms were added to the database. Additionally, for a part of the database, synonyms were distributed under the corresponding word senses. Pertaining to how much lexicographic revision was involved in their preparation, database entries can have one of the following three statuses: (a) ssss-automatic (96,064 entries): no manual revision was conducted; (b) ssss-manual (3,421 entries): word senses and semantic indicators were prepared by lexicographers, and synonyms were manually distributed under each corresponding sense; (c) ssss-hybrid (1,352 entries): manually revised senses are combined with data compiled automatically. For novelties of v2.0, see Arhar Holdt et al. (2023) in the provided references.

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Metadata Access
Creator Krek, Simon; Laskowski, Cyprian; Robnik-Šikonja, Marko; Kosem, Iztok; Arhar Holdt, Špela; Gantar, Polona; Čibej, Jaka; Gorjanc, Vojko; Klemenc, Bojan; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Pori, Eva; Roblek, Rebeka; Zgaga, Karolina
Publisher Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/zip; downloadable_files_count: 1
Discipline Linguistics