The survey in four Slovenian neighborhoods was carried out as a pilot part of the project, led by Tadeja Zupančič, PhD, entitled “Urban renewal decision support system balancing energy efficiency and management of local resources in neighborhoods in Slovenia". The research project proposes the establishment of data-based system for decision support in urban renewal of Slovenian settlements at the neighborhood level in terms of their sustainable effectiveness and quality. The survey was designed in accordance with two objectives, namely: 1) to obtain data gaps on the efficiency and sustainability of pilot neighborhoods and 2) to determine the degree of responsiveness of the inhabitants of the neighborhoods, difficulties in obtaining data with survey methodologies and to reconsider the possibilities to systemically integrate it into the pre-based model of neighborhoods assessment. The main thematic scopes addressed in the survey are, e.g. the level of satisfaction with open spaces within the neighborhoods, the level of satisfaction with mobility and transport infrastructure, the habits associated with daily trips and the use of transport modes, habits related to the use of resources (energy, water, time ...), the level of community engagement in managing the neighborhood, the level of inhabitant’s ICT-literacy and the use of smart technologies to be more efficient, etc.
Probability: Stratified: ProportionalProbability.Stratified.Proportional
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.CAWI
Self-administered questionnaire: PaperSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.Paper