20 percent of the Austrian population are over 60 years old and the percentage is increasing. The specific problems and demands of elderly people are one focus of modern social politics. Successful social policy needs reliable information and knowledge on elderly people's personal circumstances. In addition to manifold scientific studies on this population group, Mikrozensus can show the problems of elderly people in concrete numbers. In 1971 (Mikrozensus MZ7104) and 1979 (Mikrozensus MZ7904) there had already been studies on the living conditions of elderly people. This study - for reasons of comparability - aims at gathering information on certain living conditions of elderly people, their social relationships and help-relationships among themselves but also the problems of the younger generations with their older relatives. In addition to the question program from 1979 there are now questions on contact and leisure behaviour.
Probability: Stratified: Disproportional
Face-to-face interview