BoostCLIR: JP-EN Relevance Marked Patent Corpus


BoostCLIR is a bilingual (Japanese-English) corpus of patent abstracts, extracted from the MAREC patent data, and the data from the NTCIR PatentMT workshop collections, accompanied with relevance judgements for the task of patent prior-art search. Important: The English side of the corpus contains patent IDs as well as the text of the abstracts. The Japanese side only contains patent IDs because of NTCIR copyright restrictions. The Jap anese patent abstracts can be extracted from full text Japanese patent documents, which are available from the organizers of the NTCIR workshop. The corpus contains training, development and testing subsets sampled from non-intersecting time periods. Relevance judgement for patent retrieval are constructed from patent citations by assigning three integer levels to three categories of relationships, with highest relevance (3) for family patents, lower relevance for patents cited in search reports by patent examiners (2), and lowest relevance level (1) for applicants’ citations. For a detailed descrip tion of the corpus construction process, please see the above publication.

Metadata Access
Creator Sokolov, Artem; Jehl Laura; Hieber Felix; Ruppert, Eugen; Riezler, Stefan
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Prof. Dr. Stefan Riezler; Jehl, Laura; Sokolov, Artem; Ruppert, Eugen
Publication Year 2014
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Riezler (Department of Computational Linguistics)
Resource Type textual data; Dataset
Format application/x-gzip; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Size 253494564; 1514
Version 1.1
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Heidelberg, Germany