This proposal deals with an extension of the scientific understanding of residual stress fields surrounding heat treatment of the friction taper hydro-pillar process welds (FTHP). This technologically important development of friction stir welding potentially has application in areas such as life extension of steam power plant components. SALSA experiment 1-01-58 explored the residual stress re-distribution following FTHP welding in parent plate material, simulating, for example, repair of creep damaged plate. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT), by putting the whole sample in an oven, was shown to be very effective in reducing the residual stresses, but heat treating a whole component in service can be very time consuming. To speed up the PWHT step, a purpose made induction heating coil was identified as a possible process to temper the weldment microstructure to acceptable hardness levels. The potential for localised PWHT was confirmed by an in-depth study of heating parameters, conducted to establish the optimum heat penetration that can be achieved by variation of the measured surface temperature for certain heating times.