Infaunal abundance and biomass data from surveys of the East Antrim Maerl bed in 2004

This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs in Red Bay, Co. Antrim in 2004 on the RV Lough Foyle. The data from this survey was used to help support the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site designation for Red Bay, Co. Antrim. A day grab was used to collect the samples, in total there were 20 samples taken and analysed. Particle Size Analysis (PSA) and Carbon & Nitrogen analysis was carried out on the sediments from the grab. The presence and absence of Maerl (alive or dead) was also recorded. The most abundant species found was Calcarea sp. and the most frequently recorded was the polychaete Glycera lapidium.

Metadata Access
Instrument 28; 48
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; EurOBIS - EMODnet Biology
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-6.026W, 54.888S, -5.816E, 55.129N)