Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The first national survey of Labour Party members to analyse: range and type of political activism by Labour Party members; social background characteristics of members; attitudes on issues and values of members; methods of recruitment into Labour Party; activism in pressure groups.
Main Topics:
Variables Demographic and attitudinal influences on activism; attitudinal similarities and differences between Labour Party members and voters; influence of membership and activism on the vote. Measurement Scales: Thermometer scales (0-100) for parties, leaders, Labour politicians, other individuals/organisations; Likert scales (1-5-agree/disagree) on statements concerning political issues: Activism scale based on political activities. Some of the questions were replicated from the 1987 British Election Study (held at the Archive under SN:2568) and the 1989 British Social Attitudes Survey (held at the Archive under SN:2723).
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Follow-up survey of original cross-section.
Postal survey