Supporting People Client Records and Outcomes, 2003/04-2010/11: Special Licence Access


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Supporting People Client Records and Outcomes dataset comprises information about clients who entered and left housing support services that were in receipt of funding from the Department of Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) 'Supporting People' programme, which ran from April 2003 to April 2011. The data provide information about the routes by which Supporting People services were accessed, the personal characteristics of service users, and outcomes for clients matched against their identified needs. Client Records data were collected from the start of the Supporting People programme; the information formed part of the framework for assessing service quality and gathering management information, providing valuable data for service providers, local authorities and central government. The data covered client characteristics for the 21 different client groups who received Supporting People services. Outcomes data were collected for short-term Supporting People services (28 days or more, but less than two years) from 31 May 2007. In addition, Outcomes data for long-term Supporting People services (over two years) was collected from July 2007. The Outcomes Framework was based on the Department for Education and Skills' (DfES) 'Every Child Matters' framework which captures five high level outcomes, relating to economic well-being, enjoying and achieving (e.g. participating in training or education activities), being healthy, staying safe, and making a positive contribution. Information was also gathered on further underlying indicators. Data were collected by providers of Supporting People services. Completion was not mandatory, although a number of local authorities made it a condition of their contract with providers to submit this information. No estimates were made for missing returns. In April 2011, the Department ceased collection of Supporting People Client Record and Outcome data, when the Supporting People programme funding rolled into Formula Grant (the blanket term given to the main sources of general Government funding for English local authorities. For further information, see the DCLG's Supporting People webpages. End User Licence and Special Licence datasets A more detailed version of the Supporting People Client Records and Outcomes dataset, containing finer-level geographic data and information on service providers, is available under SN 7020. However, users should note that it is subject to restrictive Special Licence Access conditions and is available to UK users only with the depositor's permission. If the End User Licence (EUL) version (SN 7005) is sufficient for analysis, it is recommended that version is used, as it is available to all registered users under standard access conditions.

Main Topics:The Client Records dataset records the routes by which services are accessed, and Supporting People client characteristics, including: type of service received, age, gender, economic status, disability, religion, ethnicity, client group, homeless status, statutory services required, source of referral, previous accommodation. Client record data capture flow into services and were completed by service providers each time a client entered a housing support service in receipt of Supporting People funding. The Short-Term Outcomes dataset records the characteristics and outcomes achieved by clients leaving short-term (28 days or more but less than 2 years in duration) Supporting People services, including: type of service received, age, gender, economic status, disability, religion, ethnicity, client group, support needs identified and outcomes achieved against these needs. Outcomes fall under the following five high level categories economic well-being, enjoying and achieving, being healthy, staying safe, and making a positive contribution. Outcomes for short-term services data capture flow out of services and were completed by service providers each time a client exited short-term housing support services in receipt of Supporting People funding. A pragmatic approach was taken to collecting this information for clients in receipt of a service for less than 28 days; this data wa not required but may have been submitted at local discretion. The Long-Term Outcomes dataset records the characteristics and outcomes achieved by a sample of clients in receipt of long term (2 years or more in duration) Supporting People services, including: type of service received, age, gender, economic status, disability, religion, ethnicity, client group, support needs identified and outcomes achieved against these needs. Outcomes fall under the following five high level categories: economic well-being, enjoying and achieving, being healthy, staying safe, and making a positive contribution. Outcomes for long-term services data captured a snapshot of a sample of clients and were completed by service providers at the time of the client's annual support plan review.

No sampling (total universe)

One-stage stratified or systematic random sample

Client Records and Outcomes for short-term services data: no sampling, whole universe covered. Outcomes for long-term services data: systematic random sampling. Long-term services for older people: 10% of clients of older people services. All other long term services: 50% of clients of other services. It is not possible to determine the total population of clients of long term services, however the total capacity of long-term services stands at around 850,000 household units.

Transcription of existing materials

Data collected in the course of administrative activity.

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Metadata Access
Creator University of St Andrews, Centre for Housing Research; Department for Communities and Local Government
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2012
Funding Reference Department for Communities and Local Government
Rights <a href="" target="_blank">© Crown copyright</a>. The use of these data is subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">UK Data Service End User Licence Agreement</a>. Additional restrictions may also apply.; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use is not permitted.</p><p>Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. Users must apply for access via a Special Licence application.</p><p>Access is limited to users resident in the UK.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage England