Hunger in the UK, 2022


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The Trussell Trust has commissioned 'Hunger in the UK', a multi-year large-scale quantitative and qualitative research project to help support their strategic vision of ending the need for food banks. The Trussell Trust has appointed Ipsos Mori to deliver this research. The project focuses on three elements, each intended to build on existing evidence from research that the Trussell Trust had previously commissioned:1. Exploring the life experiences and socio-demographics of people referred to food banks in the Trussell Trust network through quantitative research. This study includes a survey of people referred to food banks in the Trussell Trust network. The survey collected a broad range of demographic and socioeconomic status information at both the individual and household level.2. A survey of the general population of the United Kingdom to establish benchmarks of, and track over time, the level of destitution, food-aid use, and food insecurity amongst this population. This survey mirrors the survey of people referred to food banks, thereby allowing for a comparative analysis of both populations.  3. Qualitative research with people experiencing food insecurity and destitution to understand their lived experience and enrich understanding of the drivers of food bank use and the impact on individuals and families.**Currently, this study includes only the survey data from elements 1. and 2. of the project.The research aims to contribute to the Trussell Trust’s goal of ending the need for food banks across the UK by providing evidence on the drivers of food insecurity and the need to receive support from a food bank. It allows exploration of the groups of people who are more likely to need support, how these experiences differ across the countries of the United Kingdom and what factors may allow people to escape food insecurity.Further information may be found on The Trussell Trust's Hunger in the UK webpage.

Main Topics:

The survey data collected includesHousehold composition, activities and employment Attitudinal statements Health and personal support Life events and housing Finance Sources of support and cost of living Food insecurityDemographics

Food Bank Survey: Questionnaires were distributed in food parcels by 99 food banks. These food banks were selected at random.

General Population Survey: A random probability unclustered address-based sampling method. This means that every household in the UK has a known chance of being selected to join the panel.


Metadata Access
Creator The Trussell Trust
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference The Trussell Trust
Rights Copyright The Trussell Trust; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom