This data publication is part of the Hessen 3D 2.0 joint research project, funded by the German ministry of Economics and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, BMWi) and provides a geological-geothermal 3D model of the Neogene and Paleogene graben fill of the northern URG. This model was used for the assessment of potential reservoir horizons for direct heat use and heat storage via hydrothermal well doublets. The primary target of this model is the assessment of the hydrothermal potential of the Pechelbronn Group for direct heat use. To locate potential exploration target areas, a 3D structural model of the northern Upper Rhine Graben is built . The Pechelbronn Group represents one model unit and is parametrized with statistically evaluated rock and reservoir properties. The other model units are from bottom to top: the Froidefontaine Subgroup, the Elsaß Subgroup, the Worms Subgroup and the Ried-Group. Additionally, the faults are compiled into one set of surfaces.