Genome-wide selection scans integrated with association mapping reveal mechanisms of physiological adaptation across a salinity gradient in killifish

Adaptive divergence between marine and freshwater environments is important in generating phyletic diversity within fishes, but the genetic basis of these transitions remains poorly understood. Available approaches to detect adaptive loci include genome scans for selection, but these can be difficult to interpret because of incomplete knowledge of the connection between genotype and phenotype. In contrast, genome wide association studies (GWAS) are powerful tools for linking genotype to phenotype, but offer no insight into the evolutionary forces shaping variation. Here, we combine GWAS and selection scans to identify loci important in the adaptation of complex physiological traits to freshwater environments. We focused on freshwater (FW)-native and brackish water (BW)-native populations of the Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) as well as a population that is a natural admixture of these two populations. We measured phenotypes for multiple physiological traits that differ between populations and that may contribute to adaptation across osmotic niches (salinity tolerance, hypoxia tolerance, metabolic rate, and body shape) and used a reduced representation approach for genome-wide genotyping. Our results show patterns of population divergence in physiological capabilities that are consistent with local adaptation. Selection scans between BW-native and FW-native populations identified genomic regions that presumably affect fitness between BW and FW environments, while GWAS revealed loci that contribute to variation for each physiological trait. There was substantial overlap in the genomic regions putatively under selection and loci associated with the measured physiological traits, suggesting that these phenotypes are important for adaptive divergence between BW and FW environments. Our analysis also implicates candidate genes likely involved in physiological capabilities, some of which validate a priori hypotheses. Together, these data provide insight into the mechanisms that enable diversification of fishes across osmotic boundaries.

Metadata Access
Instrument Illumina HiSeq 4000; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Contributor University of California Davis
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-77.050W, 38.050S, -76.330E, 38.690N)