SFB/Transregio 161 Data Management Plan 2023-2027


The participating universities in SFB/Transregio 161 acknowledge the general importance of re-search data management as a vital issue for all of their work and provide increasing central sup-port for long-term accessibility and reusability of data, documentation of methods and tools and privacy protection. However, technical and organisational offerings for data management can only be effective as far as researchers are aware of them and can make informed decisions on which solution is the right one for which data, which in turn requires an overall knowledge of the types and amounts of data collected or produced in the project. Furthermore, ensuring long-term availability of data for reproducibility of research results, which is one of the key ideas be-hind the research efforts of SFB/Transregio 161 and even more important in the final funding period of the project, requires planful actions as serving data beyond the lifetime of a project involves allocation of technical and organisation resources. This data management plan (DMP) identifies the research data collected or produced in SFB/Transregio 161, assesses their value for the goals of reusability and reproducibility and states the timeframes in which SFB/Transregio 161 and/or the participating universities guarantee their future availability. It furthermore describes the technical and organisational means for storing and publishing research data which the researchers of SFB/Transregio 161 can make use of. Such means might be provided by the project and funded by DFG or by the universities. The DMP states minimum requirements for metadata that must be provided for research data, briefly ad-dresses privacy and ethics issues and provides the researchers with guidelines for GPDR-compliant handling of personal data which might be collected in the projects. The DMP is a living document and therefore will be updated as necessary.

DOI https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-4452
Metadata Access https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.18419/darus-4452
Creator Müller, Christoph ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Müller, Christoph; Weiskopf, Daniel; Aichem, Michael; Bader, Markus; Barth, Andrea; Beck, Christin; Blumenschein, Michael; Bulling, Andreas; Chiossi, Francesco; Ehinger, Benedikt; Ernst, Marc; Hahn, Franz; Iglezakis, Dorothea; Krake, Tim; Morariu, Cristina; Rodriges, Nils; Schreiber, Falk; Schulz, Christoph; Sedlmair, Michael; Zagermann, Johannes
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 251654672
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess false
Contact Müller, Christoph (Universität Stuttgart); Weiskopf, Daniel (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; application/pdf
Size 228212; 898784
Version 1.0
Discipline Computer Science; Computer Science, Electrical and System Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Research Data Management
Spatial Coverage Stuttgart